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The Banana Man Holiday Special

Who is Banana Man, you ask?

Scene: The Justice League of Justice hideout, the dingy office underneath the bowling alley. Behind the K-Tel tunes warbling from the battered juke-box in the corner we hear the occasional strike knocking down the pins overhead. In the other corner the old TV is playing The Trailer Park Boys Xmas Special. Time Hog is riding in the car with Ricky. The mood is festive, the punch = spiked. There’s cookies. Someone’s drawn a Christmas tree on the whiteboard. The gang’s all here.

Black Rhumba to Hungry Man Dinner: “Whatchoo want from Santa this year, HMD? Other than extra gravy?”

The big man thinks for a minute, “Wouldn’t mind a better parking space and a Home Depot gift card. What about you, Rhumba?”

“Me? I just wanna dance the New Year away!” He does a quick twirl and finishes with some karate chops.

He-Wonder Woman is just covered in glitter. “What about you, Cat Squirrel?”

“You know me, I’m nutty about nuts. What’s Live Zombie want?”

“Me?” He stares off into the distance, toys with his black bow-tie for a moment, squinting through his thick glasses. “What I’d do for a mouse with a working right button at work…”

“Cheesus, you are a living zombie, aren’t you?”

“Did someone call for Cheesus?” Quite without preamble it’s clear someone new has joined the room. A tall skinny man, apparently wearing a bathrobe, slippers and tighty-whities peeking from underneath. A big wedge of swiss cheese sits where the rest of us keep our heads. “Yep, it’s true, I’m Cheesus. I’ve been living on the moon but I thought I’d drop in on y’all!” The man in the robe with the head made of cheese strides to the head of the room where Banana Man and Dr. Tomorrow are fooling with some sound equipment.

It’s a Zarkmas miracle! The audio gear suddenly starts working. Cheesus coughs into the microphone. “One two, one two. Am I on? Why yes I am.” He has everyone’s attention, jaws are being picked up off the floor at this most unusual sight. Cheesus is striding back and forth confidently, flicking the microphone cord. “Oh yeah, first off I want to wish everyone a Happy Festivus, a Festivus for the Rest of Us, amiright?” Still somewhat shocked silence.

Mr. Know-It-All leans over to Broccoli Man and whispers into his ear. “How is he doing that? Do you see a mouth?” BM shakes his broccoli head with a big “nope”.

Cheesus continues, “Alright I want you all know know I kicked Satan’s ass today, yeee-haw! Then I kissed a kitten, and gave it wings.” He mimes a bird flying with his hands. “And it’s almost my birthday, wooo–oh!” He’s pumping his fist.

“Now don’t get me wrong, my Big Daddio and The Great Spook want me to urge you to seek redemption through The Big Cheese here” he’s indicating himself “but His High Awesomeness the Dalai Lama says, ‘All religions same-same’. So just pick a tradition that works for you and just don’t be a dick about it, amiright people?” General nods and agreement.

Mr. Know-It-All mutters under his breath though clearly hoping everyone can hear, “Christmas was invented by the church to cover up Saturnalia, GUH!”

“We all know my real competition is Santa, amiright!” Cheesus shouts and does a split right there on the carpet. Impressive! Another strike rolls by overhead. “Now I’m not here to steal your evening, just to remind y’all to be good to each other, alright?” He pauses, pointing at each person one at a time. “Even though they be turkeys, okay?” He takes a bow. “And now I understand Dr. Tomorrow has a special holiday performance for you.” He bows, places the mic on the folding banquet table quickly leaves the room.

“What the cluck just happened, BAWK?” from Elvis Chicken.

Dr. Tomorrow has the mic. He’s got his blonde flip-top hair, the usual dark goggle-like glasses but tonight he is sporting a garish green holiday sweater with a big glitter kitty wearing a Santa hat. He shrugs. “Well, give it up for Cheesus, everybuddy!” Applause follows, and not just because Banana Man is holding up a sign behind him which reads “APPLAUSE”. “Ok partee-people with the double ‘E’, me and the B-Man here are going to lay down some holiday tunes for yaas.”

Banana Man is brandishing his battered acoustic gee-tar. He’s in his usual all-yellow get-up, only the banana is strapped to a limp Santa hat on top of his yellow mask. Dr. Tomorrow turns away from the group, starts limbering up in a rhythmic sort of way and as Banana Man begins to bang on the strings the Doc starts a beat-box then spins around holding an ice cream cone and lets it loose.

I’ve got an ice cream cone for a microphone and I’m bound to get funky
Listen to me and jump for glee because we’re all about to get spunky!

It’s holiday time so gather round the Hanukkah Tree
and light those Kwanzaa candles!
Grab your partner, spin ‘m round
and grab those love handles!

Saturday Night Live, Let’s jump and jive
Krampus on the run
Let’s throw presents at the pheasants
Duck and run, we’re gonna have some fun!

Smoke ‘m if you got ‘m!
Smoke ‘m if you got ‘m!
Just start at the bottom!

< more beatboxing… then a pause… and he sings out: >

5 Golden Rings!
4 Pre-Paid Cards
3 Olive Loaf
2 – for – 1 Special
And a banana in a monkey tree!

And now everybody, join me in our traditional Christmas carol, I know you know the words! (And they do, indeed. The whole group joins in.)

Jingle Bells
Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
The Batmobile lost a wheel
and the Joker got away, hey!

And the whole group laughs and claps…

Happy Holidays Everyone, Cheesus Loves You!

Thanks to Amanda Peters for Cheesus!

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Banana Man vs. Beer

It’s hot in the Banana Cave. Welcome to August. Our hero cools off by putting his head in his freezer.

He takes a Hamm’s out of the fridge. Sets it on the table, eyeing the condensation on the can.

He knows he’s not going to just drink that beer, he’s going to drink the fuck out of it.

When you stare into the bear, the bear stares back into you.


The Fate of Mars One

You may remember the effort called Mars One: “Mars One was a small private Dutch organization that received money from investors by claiming it would use it to land the first humans on Mars and leave them there to establish a permanent human colony.”

A bold idea, to put a colony on Mars funded as a “reality show”. Started in 2012 it was all over by 2019. The project attracted many dreamers, but not so many dollars. It also attracted significant criticism to the extreme that it boarded on derision for the Mars One vision being so far from reality as to be a scam.

In fact, sitting around thinking about what it would be like for these colonists is what provided the inspiration to write this whole business here.

I recently stumbled across this 2015 article from National Geographic discussing an approach to taking people to Mars and bringing them back. It includes a short video interviewing four regular Earthlings hoping to get the chance to go to Mars and never come back. I get the urge to go, but anyone seriously considering this should lock themselves in their bedroom with three strangers for a week before deciding to climb into the space capsule.

Mars One still maintains a one-page web site and an email address.


What’s The Deal With The Fling?


In Chapter Fifteen (Space Is The Place) I introduced the idea of The Fling without bothering to explain it, hoping the way the chapter unfolds how it operates will be obvious to the alert reader who knows a wee bit of space travel concepts.

What is the deal with that thing? Well, here’s the problem for your intrepid space explorer. If you’re relying on rocket fuel for go-juice the only place you can really fill up your ship is Earth. Once you’ve left the surface and are in orbit, on the moon or on Mars, better hope you took enough with you. That’s not 100% true, there are plans to make fuel on Mars, but it’s not like you can just fill up the tank when you want to like you can on Earth. So what to do? Avoid using fuel!

“The Fling” is a kinetic launch system that quite literally throws the cargo into the sky. A system based on this concept is close to operation, right here on Earth in 2022. You can read about it here. There is a big difference between what they are using at Bradbury Base in the novel and what SpinLaunch is currently doing. The Fling at Bradbury Base is essentially a very large railgun, using magnetic fields to launch the cargo into space, like firing something from a cannon only without the gunpowder.

Why would this be good? Well, gravity on Mars is less than half of Earth and there’s far less atmosphere to fight. From the fuel perspective, you can get to orbit for free, then use the fuel you’re carrying for other things, like docking with something like Phobos station and eventual re-entry.

Solve the fuel shortage problem, by avoiding using fuel!

Keep in mind this novel is meant for humor, entertainment and social commentary. The “science” parts are like horseshoes and hand-grenades, only expected to be “close enough”. If you’d like to calculate how many joules of energy it would take to throw a cargo into space from the surface of Mars and what the magnets would be like, send me your figures and I’ll put them here.


Green Acres

Arnold Ziffel

Arnold is staring out the window of the rusty green 1978 Chevy double-cab pickup somewhere in Colorado.

He’s got sunglasses on, and he’s smoking.

And he’s a pig.

He’s down to two cigarettes.

That is a problem. This problem cannot stand.

It’s 20 miles into town.

Can he make it?

He’s a pig on a mission. Cigarettes, smokes, coffin nails.

The dry dusty landscape of Colorado rolls by. Arnold’s in the passenger seat, such as it is and he’s looking at the driver. “Can this fucker pull it off?” Arnold knows it’s about a 50/50 chance that there will have to be violence and he plans to be the one who walks away with all his internal organs intact.

He keeps his big yap shut though, as he can’t actually drive a car on his own, being a pig ‘n that. The rig rattles into the parking lot of the gas station at the far end of town where hope goes to die. There’s cheese fries and the droppings of the emotional leavings of the foodstamps of gawd-aweful desperation.

Arnold watches the driver stick a glock down his pants like he thinks he’s some kind of anti-hero in a Tarrantino nightmare vision. He’s got a toothpick stuck in his mouth like it’s making up for his own personal tobacco problems.

“Ok pig, are you ready to make this happen?”

Who is this pig?


Banana Man Is Thinking

Tighty-whities. The Stereotypical definition of stereotypical describes what is known as a wife-beater t-shirt, which he has on but he doesn’t have a wife and would not do violence on her if he did. He’s simply not that kind of guy.

He’s staring at the TV. He knows Time Hog is there. The TV is not turned on. It doesn’t need to be. He knows Time Hog is watching.


Marigold is clearing the bar. The drunks are collapsed in the corners, leaning on things. Marigold pretends to light a cigarette. There are no real cigarettes on Mars because oxygen is not free. And tends to explode if you’re not careful.

The Tiki Bar seems to be accumulating science fiction authors. Marigold slides what looks like a rum and coke to William Gibson. Will looks deep into The Heart of Darkness and sighs.

“The future of yesterday’s past. It’s all in this glass. Cheers.”

As the timekeeper of yesterday’s tomorrow, Marigold has to agree.


Speaking of the Portland You Missed

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Many years ago I was in Ron Wyden’s office here in PDX. If you didn’t know, he’s doing good work for us all as a Senator. The staff had a thing for celebrating Darcelle, a local drag queen and inspirational story for all of us.

Where did Darcelle the person live? Just two blocks north of me, just walk up the street and there he/she is…
