In short, a slowly evolving story of a story within a story, delivered to you as a “blog”.
It’s the story of how Mars was settled and un-settled by humans over the years. And also, the story of how the story was written, or maybe that stuff is just all made up. And maybe some extra things thrown in, just because.
Did you know that space travel is not possible without chorizo?
It’s all horribly true, and you’ll read about it here.
The back of the book jacket to this reads something like this:
We found this in a “free box” on the street in North Portland. It appears to be a cast-off paperback from the 60’s. Long-forgotten, archaic in style and often downright sophomoric. It’s not good enough to be thought to be from the battered typewriter of Kilgore Trout yet at times eerily prescient of our modern era.
–– Your Archivist
Like the halls of San Jose’s Winchester House, it meanders without a clear plan, parts of it under construction, leading odd places. Best to take along a lunch, just in case.
“It’s like Kurt Vonnegut and Tom Robbins had a baby” — M. Axton
“I can’t wait for the next chapter!” — M. Holling
Recently we also found archives of The Curiously Banal Adventures of Banana Man. There’s also the post-acting career of Arnold, a pig with a problem. More puzzling evidence.
If you’d like to contact the live, actual humans behind this, you’ll find them here:
Tiki:Mojo Creative Services
All text on this site is Copyright © 2020 Stephen Peters
Thank you for visiting.
“Avoid the lollipop of mediocrity.
Lick it once and you suck forever.” — Anonymous