Get Frank Miller on the phone!
I’ve got the next epic graphic novel in the pipeline. Here’s the pitch:
The inevitable happens and Donald Trump arrives in Hell. What A Dump! Donald sets out to build a new real estate empire and brags, bullys and lies his way to the top to fight it out with the Devil himself.
- How different is Hell from our current world?
- Why are so many of Donald’s associates and various enemies in top positions in Hell’s bureaucracy?
- Is Hell a kind of paradise for the right kind of person?
- What does it take to beat the devil at his own game?
- What is the nature of Evil? Why is one person’s heaven another person’s hell?
- Why can’t Donald find any pants? (a straight ripoff of a running joke in Stig’s Inferno:
- Who will win in the end? Classic Satan, or Satan 2.0?